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We are aware of our responsibilities towards nature

Our values and responsibilities shape what we do in WAT Motor. We are committed to care for the environment and our customers by finding ways to achieve energy efficiency, flexibility and customer satisfaction. These are the main areas that are guided by our sustainable approach.

Sustainability Reports


The Environment and Energy Efficiency

Both in production processes and in our products, we pay great attention to use materials that will save energy and will benefit the environment in the long term. By conducting research and using the newest technologies, we try to find ways to save energy, reduce energy costs and produce efficient products. We produce high energy efficienct (IE4 efficiency class) products. By producing in a more efficient way and making high efficiency motors, we also allow our customers to reduce their costs and help the environment along the way.


Corporate Governance

Strong corporate governance plays an important role in the success of Koç Group. As a part of Koç Group, WAT Motor gives importance to keep high ethical standards in the workplace. Our aim is to provide clear guidance to protect our employees and business partners by outlining the basic rules of conduct. We feel responsible for each employee’s wellbeing and make sure that ethics and transparency regulations are being applied in every way.


Agile Transformation

Agile transformation allows companies to be more customer-oriented and take actions quickly. Agile organizations work autonomously and are aligned through a common goal. WAT Motor has initiated its agile transformation in 2019. In WAT’s Agile Transformation, the first pilot team achieved significant lead time improvement by decreasing new product configuration duration by one third, which enabled us to define 3 times more product within the same period of time. Additionally, in terms of overall lead time perspective, the lead time from order to delivery has been decreased by half. These efforts have shown that with our agile transformation, we can provide efficiency in finding solutions to existing issues as well as increasing customer satisfaction and employee engagement which enables WAT Motor to create value.


Our most efficient and sustainable solutions

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